December 8, 2016

Tax time is the perfect time

Tax time is the perfect time to get your data in order.

TheDataFyles has the data solutions to help you with getting your information organized into a useful format.  We are ready to assist you with services such as document editing, data input, file creation and organization, and database development (Access, Excel).

We work on a project basis with reasonable fees.  Contact us today and tell us about your data needs.


For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

Our motto is "All things organized."

November 21, 2016

Small Business Saturday with TheDataFyles

November 26, 2016 is Small Business Saturday.

Shop small, and shop with the TheDataFyles!

TheDataFyles is a data organization business, helping companies to get their data in order.  WE understand the challenges busiensses and entrepreneurs face with keeping data organized.  Well-organized information systems provide valuable information, help businesses better meet customer needs, and improve internal processes.

Please check out our website at, and visit our blog at

Contact us and tell us about your data needs.

#smallbizsat #smallbusinesssaturday #shopsmall #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship

October 16, 2016

Articles - 4 Social-Media Mistakes Your Business Can’t Afford to Make

Who gets lost with what, when, and how to utilize social media to promote their business?

The answer is - many of us.  Social media has become a major avenue for businesses to reach their client base, which is why it is very important to understand how to best utilize the various marketing tools.  “4 Social-Media Mistakes Your Business Can’t Afford to Make,” by Jonathan Long, posted on, is a great guide to stop you from improper use with social media, and help you to turn around if you are committing any of these four mistakes.
  1. You're not interacting with followers.
  2. You're overly promotional.
  3. You don't include calls to action.
  4. You spread yourself too thin.
The biggest mistake, of course, would be to not utilize social media at all.  But after you have engaged with one, or more, make sure you are getting the most out of it.  One additional observation is using different social media marketing tools the same.  For example, what works on Facebook, may not work on Instagram, and vice versa.  Also, read the business instructional articles that are offered by each, to ensure that you are well informed on every aspect of the tools that are available to you.

Click below to read the article in its entirety, and to see the comments and suggestions the author makes for each mistake.

For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

September 24, 2016

Article - Why It's Vital to Pay Yourself First in Business

“Why It’s Vital to Pay Yourself First in Business,” posted on by author Sam Harrop, is a great article that gives entrepreneurs an idea and a good visual on how to pay yourself first, as well as why it’s important.  Many new business owners find it difficult to separate their money from the business’ money, and oftentimes there is no clear line or a standard established when the business is started.

Highlights of the article:

  • It’s important to figure your basic living expenses
  • Have multiple budgets for the different stages your business goes through
  • Get insurance

TheDataFyles feels that a good starting point is your budget, and knowing how much you are spending monthly for your living expenses.  This will help to determine how much your business needs to make in order for you to cover your basics, how much you need to break even, and how much to make a profit.

The best way to determine this information is tracking your expenses, and separating business expenses from personal expenses.  A simple Excel Spreadsheet is a quick and free way to track.

--Click here to read the article

For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

September 1, 2016

Tax Time is the Perfect Time

Tax time is the perfect time to get your data in order.

TheDataFyles has the data solutions to help you with getting your information organized into a useful format.  We are ready to assist you with services such as document editing, data input, file creation and organization, and database development (Access, Excel).

We work on a project basis with reasonable fees.  Contact us today and tell us about your data needs.


For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

Our motto is "All things organized."

August 13, 2016

Article - 8 Ways to Save $1 Million Dollars Before You Retire

Saving for retirement.  How many times do we hear about this topic?  Better yet, how many times are we faced with this reality.  At some point, most of us want to not work, travel, and enjoy life.  But without adequate savings, how will this dream become a reality?

In this article, “8 Ways to Save $1 Million Dollars Before You Retire,” posted on, author John Rampton suggests eight strategies to work on and build up your savings.  Even if you do not accept that “millionaire” angle, these eight strategies are worth consideration.

With strategies such as "make savings automatic" and "pay down your debt," this article offers tools you can use.

--Click here to read the article

For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

July 25, 2016

Article - 10 Ways to Say ‘No’ That Won’t Damage Business or Relationships

“10 Ways to Say ‘No’ That Won’t Damage Business or Relationships,” by Martin Zwilling, posted on, is a great article which addresses how to say no, as well as yes, when doing business.  For entrepreneurs and small businesses, sometimes spreading yourself too thin seems to be the only way, however, this article gives insight on how to manage your time by carefully considering your schedule, instinct, and any constraints you may have.

From reading the article, I find all ten ways the author lists to be valuable, however, there are two points that I find to be extremely important in my decision making, which are establish boundaries and give credence to your initial instinct.

Check out the article and discover new ways to handle your request, or see if how you are currently managing those requests are listed.

--Click here to read the article

For more information about the TheDataFyles, visit:

July 15, 2016

Get it Done with TheDataFyles

The assistance you need to get your data in order is just an email away.

--Need a filing system created and/or organized--

--Data compiled into a spreadsheet or database--

--An e-newsletter developed, with design and content editing--

--Research performed to help make a business decision--

Contact us today and tell us about your data needs.  
We are ready to help.

June 26, 2016

Article - 12 Things Successful People Never Reveal About Themselves at Work

A challenge for us all - what to share, or not share on the job.  I've found that the philosophy on this ranges from "sharing too much" to "sharing too little."  This article on, "12 Things Successful People Never Reveal About Themselves at Work" by Travis Bradberry, is a great summary of what not to reveal, with additional commentary on why.  Not to spoil your enjoyment of reading the article, but here are the first five, which are probably listed first for a reason.

1. That They Hate Their Job
2. That They Think Someone is Incompetent
3. How Much Money They Make
4. Their Political and Religious Beliefs
5. What They Do on Facebook

Check out the article at the below link for all twelve things, and details on why the author feels successful people do not share these topics.

--Click here to read the article

May 26, 2016

Article - 5 Sacrifices Every Entrepreneur Must Make

Being an entrepreneur, regardless of what type of business you decide to endeavor, is a challenge.  Rewarding, yes.  Easy, no.  As entrepreneurs, it is more than fulfilling, more than exciting, to see your dreams come to fruition.  Getting your tax ID, your DBA, your website, etc.  But after you have everything set and in place, it's time to make money, get clients, and generate revenue.

When this does not happen overnight, it can be devastating, but giving up is not an option for most.  In this article, "5 Sacrifices Every Entrepreneur Must Make," by Jayson DeMers, posted on, the author discusses five sacrifices that I feel are very important to keep in mind on your entrepreneurial journey.

"Every entrepreneur starts out with big dreams and excitement.  As an entrepreneur, you control your own destiny, and with the right ideas, the right skillset and unflinching dedication, you can build wealth or establish an enterprise to serve as your legacy" (DeMers).

1. Stability
2. Work/life split
3. Income
4. Sleep
5. Comfort

--Click here to read the article

March 12, 2016

Article - 6 Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Make All the Time

As a small business owner, how many of the 6 financial mistakes listed in this article are you guilty of?  In "6 Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Make All the Time," posted on, the author Laura Entis gives us a list of common financial mistakes that small businesses make.

From my observation, the first mistake, "Overpaying Their Taxes," is the most common.  This can be rectified with good organization skills, good documentation, and of course a very good tax accountant would also help.

Per the article, "Too often though, small businesses make a variety of financial mistakes that allow their hard-earned money to leak away.  For example, 21 percent of small-business owners say they claim less than half of their business expenses, which means they are dramatically overpaying their taxes.  A large reason for this is the tendency not to claim small figures, which is a mistake:  Even $5 expense claims can add up, so get in the habit of saving your receipts."

February 17, 2016

Article - How Smart People Deal With People They Don’t Like

I ran across this article, "How Smart People Deal With People They Don't Like," by David K. William (the title alone speaks volumes) on, and after reading I concur with the author's eight guides on how to deal with those you have opposition with.

As the article states, it would be nice to get along with everyone, but we know that is not possible.  There may be situations where you can avoid those that are not favorable in your eyes, however, that's not always the case in business.  Which is why I feel this article is a must read.

--Click here to read the article

January 21, 2016

Make Your Job Work For You!

Check out this great advice from Michael Baisden on starting your own business while you are still receiving a paycheck.

Michael Baisden Commentary: Make Your Job Work For You!
Why do people wait until they’re fired before they try to start their own business? The smart move is to take risk while you still have a steady paycheck and access to the resources of your job for networking.

When I worked for Chicago Transit 20 years ago driving trains, I had my passengers proofreading and editing my books. And I would bring books on the train for sale. My attitude was, “If I have to come to this freakin job I’m going to make it work for me!” Yes, I’m a hustler!

It’s not enough to scream, “I hate my job!” Or to be annoyed by your co-workers who seem to live in the Matrix. You have to do something about it. There’s nothing more frustrating than hearing someone bitching about their job but never leave.

Starting today you must decide to make your move while you’re still employed. In other words, do what’s hard while things are easy. Otherwise, you’ll end up doing what’s hard while things are at their worse and we know how that turns out, right? ~ Michael Baisden

Click here for more information on Michael Baisden and to visit his Facebook page

January 2, 2016

Article - 4 Smart Relationships That Will Accelerate Your Small Business' Success

Check out this article from Score.org4 Smart Relationships That Will Accelerate Your Small Business' Success by Fran Tarkenton.  The article points out four relationships that small business owners, as well as entrepreneurs, should develop to help their businesses thrive.

Here's an outline of the four relationships the article discusses, but don't miss out on the details!  Click the link below to read the entire article.

1.  A Successful Entrepreneur
2.  Someone With a Different Skill Set
3.  Local Business Owners
4.  People in Your Industry

--Click here to continue reading