After a complimentary initial consultation to determine the exact need, we have created a customized solution to help clients manage their data for better efficiency in the way they do business. We have created customized spreadsheets for our clients for many purposes.
Spreadsheets can help you track data, allow you to create forms to capture needed data, and help you to “go green” by eliminating the need for paper.
Here are examples of spreadsheets we have created for our clients.
- Time Tracker: Consultant who made multiple visits throughout the day needed a personalized solution to track time.
- Budget: Entrepreneur needed a customized way to track expenses.
- Forms: A customer intake form to document the order and calculate costs.
- Customer Database: Client needed a simple solution to maintain customer data.
- Member Fees: Nonprofit needed a solution to track dues from members, customized for their size and specific categories of fees.
If you are in need of a customized spreadsheet solution, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to assisting you with your data needs.
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