May 17, 2015

Make Your Job Work For You!

Check out this great advice from Michael Baisden on starting your own business while you are still receiving a paycheck.

Michael Baisden Commentary: Make Your Job Work For You!
Why do people wait until they’re fired before they try to start their own business? The smart move is to take risk while you still have a steady paycheck and access to the resources of your job for networking.

When I worked for Chicago Transit 20 years ago driving trains, I had my passengers proofreading and editing my books. And I would bring books on the train for sale. My attitude was, “If I have to come to this freakin job I’m going to make it work for me!” Yes, I’m a hustler!

It’s not enough to scream, “I hate my job!” Or to be annoyed by your co-workers who seem to live in the Matrix. You have to do something about it. There’s nothing more frustrating than hearing someone bitching about their job but never leave.

Starting today you must decide to make your move while you’re still employed. In other words, do what’s hard while things are easy. Otherwise, you’ll end up doing what’s hard while things are at their worse and we know how that turns out, right? ~ Michael Baisden

Click here for more information on Michael Baisden and to visit his Facebook page

May 3, 2015

National Small Business Week, May 4-8

Check out this article, "Dream Big" This National Small Business Week, May 4-8, on  The author, Maria Contreras-Sweet, discusses the importance of Small Business Week to job creation in the United States.

"Our country was founded by risk-taking pioneers in search of new horizons.  More than two centuries later, what sets America apart in the world is the willingness of our entrepreneurs to take risks.  Small businesses allow Americans to be their own boss and improve their lot in life through hard work - a core American value."

National Small Business Week is themed "SBA:  Dream Big, Start Small" this year, and will be held May 4-8.

Click here to read the article and for more information and small business week events.